
NCCoE Announces New Cybersecurity for the Space Domain Page!


The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has unveiled a new Cybersecurity for the Space Domain section of our website. If you would like to learn more about our work in this area, we encourage you to sign up for our Community of Interest (COI).


National space assets and operations are critical to the security and economic well-being of the United States. The growth of the commercial space sector—no longer solely the domain of national government authorities—has become an important component of our critical infrastructure. With that growth comes the increased risk of cyber attacks and their potential impacts. In collaboration with experts from industry, academia, and the government, the NCCoE is engaged in multiple projects to understand and address cybersecurity risks to commercial space operations. We invite you to get involved in our work.

Get Involved in Our Cybersecurity for the Space Domain Work

  • Submit Comments on newly released Draft NIST IR 8441, Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) Profile for Hybrid Satellite Networks. Comments are due July 5, 2023. Visit the project page to learn more.

  • Join the Cybersecurity for the Space Domain Community of Interest. COIs are one of the greatest strengths of the NCCoE. We count on our COIs—those experts, innovators, and everyday users of cybersecurity and privacy technologies—to help identify and define the problems to be addressed by the NCCoE. We invite you to bring your space domain cybersecurity expertise to this new COI. Visit our Join a Community of Interest page to learn more.

  • Email the NCCoE space cyber domain team with questions or comments:

View NIST’s Prior Space Domain Work

  • NIST IR 8270 (2nd Draft) This report provides a general introduction to cybersecurity risk management with a focus on the space vehicles. The report is intended to provide guidance to the commercial satellite industry in their efforts to manage cybersecurity risks in space.

  • NIST IR 8323 Rev. 1 (Final) This Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Profile provides a flexible framework for users of PNT to manage risks when forming and using PNT signals and data, which are susceptible to disruptions and manipulations that can be natural, manufactured, intentional, or unintentional.

  • NIST IR 8401 (Final) This report applies the NIST CSF to the ground segment of space operations with an emphasis on the command and control of satellite buses and payloads.

To learn more, visit the NCCoE’s Cybersecurity for the Space Domain page.